अनुशासन श्रम आत्मबल

The school was rated in the top 10 schools of Delhi and amongst the top 50 schools in NCR. The School ranks fifth in academics in the entire country based on the survey conducted by Edu world (A Leading Magazine in the field of Education)

Mission Statement

MissionN .K Bagrodia public school is a modern, progressive, co-educational public school, which provides enviornment for holistic education with the development of mind, body and soul and produce the best human beings who will serve the country with deep sense of patriotism.


  • The school is a proud member of NPSC (National Progressive School Conference).
  • An active member of British Council for International School Award (ISA)
  • Member of SPICMACAY( Society for the promotion of Indian classical Music and Culture amongst Youth) and other National and International organization.


  • The school was rated in the top 10 schools of Delhi and amongst the top 50 schools in NCR.
  • The School ranks fifth in academics in the entire country based on the survey conducted by Edu world (A Leading Magazine in the field of Education)