अनुशासन श्रम आत्मबल

The school was rated in the top 10 schools of Delhi and amongst the top 50 schools in NCR. The School ranks fifth in academics in the entire country based on the survey conducted by Edu world (A Leading Magazine in the field of Education)

Pastoral Care

I know I can
I know I will
I know I must!

‘Nurture nature’ is what we teach our students.

  • The Eco club keeps organising various activities for students to inculcate in them love & respect for nature. What we give comes back to us & love for nature will bring back love from it.
  • The Campus has lush, green surroundings with a variety of trees, plants and seasonal flowers along with the herbal garden.
  • The students learn the medicinal and economical value of each plant in the garden.
  • The students are sensitized to take care of the surroundings through various programmes on environment.